The Making of Lawn Chair - 1959
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looking at the lower resolution
version of it.
See also The Making of "The Feast of the Dogs".
It can be hard to see some of the transitions in the video, but these are the steps which are being shown:
- Rough in the figure underpainting using raw umber and titanium white
- Rough in the background using mars black and titanium white
- Further development of the figure underpainting
- Finish the background
- Finish the figure underpainting
- Glaze entire figure (with some minor background changes)
- Glaze most of figure
- Glaze most of figure (and darken shadow)
- Glaze most of figure
- Redefine highlights, glaze chair and other slight changes to figure
- Finish detail work (such as contour lines and eyelashes) and minor touch-up to background
- Add sepia tone to background