Copyright Information
Except where otherwise noted below, all images at this web site
are copyright by Robert Cantor. These images may not be
reused without the permission of Robert Cantor. Permission to use these
images in other web sites may be assumed if the following conditions are
met (don't be scared off; these are actually all very simple and not likely
to be a problem):
- it is used on a personal web site not intended for commercial use
- the image has not been significantly altered or reduced in size
- the image is either labelled with a copyright sign such as © or
identified as the work of Robert Cantor
- the image, the copyright, or an appropriate item in close proximity
contains a link to the home page, to an appropriate page at that same site, or to my e-mail address
- the image is in no way associated with any religious or political ideas
or beliefs, or any other ideas or beliefs which may be construed as
- the image may not be used in such a way as to suggest an endorsement of
products or services
- the image file may not be distributed and no copies made except for the purpose of hosting the image on your own server if you so desire.
If you do not meet these requirements or are uncertain about them, please send
I'm sure we can work something out.
- The following fonts from Adobe Photoshop were used on my home page (and all pages with the same heading):
- Edwardian Script ITC, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Copperplate Gothic Light, Trebuchet MS, Forte
- The following font from Adobe Photoshop was used on the Monarch in the Making page:
- The following fonts from Corel Photo-paint were used on my Photography page:
- Goudy Handtooled BT, Mural Script
Backgrounds on my Repo Man page come from Texture Land (it was modified from the original).
These are free for non-commercial use. The VHS cover and limited edition
tin graphics were provided by Anchor Bay Entertainment with no explicit
copyright information.
The original source and copyright information of the Repo Man title image
is not known to me.
The background image appearing on the pencil sharpener collection page was
created by Robert Cantor and is generously donated to the public domain. The
Rube Goldberg image was used without permission in the hope that nobody
would mind my doing so.
The running cryptolope man was created while I was in the employ of IBM and
was used as the unofficial logo of
Technically, IBM may own the copyright but I seriously doubt that they care
unless a miracle occurs in which IBM both restarts the project and
decides to make my cryptolope man the official logo.
The Elvis image in which Mr. Cantor is shaking hands with Elvis comes
from the White
House Archives and was substantially altered for use in this web site.