Everglades National Park
from Bob Cantor's National Parks Photo Gallery

There are plenty of Alligators to be seen at both the Anhinga Trail and Shark Valley. This photo was taken just a few steps from the Royal Palms Visitor Center.
The pinelands trail is an easy walk through slash pine and palmetto.
A Great Egret just after sunset.
Most of the following bird photos were taken at the Anhinga Trail and Eco Pond during 2 late winter visits which I made to the park. The last 2 photographs were taken at Shark Valley on a trip in mid-January. For more wildlife photographs, see also my Florida page.

Tricolor heron

Great blue heron

Great egret

Little blue heron


Great white heron

Red-shouldered hawk

Double-crested cormorant

White ibis

Wood Stork

Roseate Spoonbill, White Ibis, and Snowy Egret

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©2003, 2007 by Robert Cantor